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Planets in astrologyA Beginner's Guide to Astrological Planets and Lunar Nodes

How They Shape Our Lives?

Astrology, an ancient practice based on observing the stars, helps us understand ourselves and our destiny better. The planets play a big role in astrology. Each one represents different parts of our personality and influences our lives. Alongside the traditional planets, Rahu (☊) and Ketu (☋), known as the Lunar Nodes, are important in Vedic astrology. Let’s explore what each planet and lunar node means and how they affect us.

1. The Sun (☉): Bringing Energy and Purpose
The Sun is like the heart of our solar system. It gives us energy and helps us understand who we are. In astrology, it shows our core identity and what we’re meant to do in life. It’s linked with the sign Leo (♌), which represents leadership and creativity.

2. The Moon (☽): Guiding Our Emotions
The Moon affects our feelings and instincts. It shows what makes us feel secure and comfortable. Associated with the sign Cancer (♋), it represents sensitivity and caring.

3. Mercury (☿): Helping Us Communicate
Mercury is like a messenger, helping us express ourselves and think clearly. It’s connected to how we talk and learn. It’s linked with Gemini (♊) and Virgo (♍), which are about curiosity and practical thinking.

4. Venus (♀): Spreading Love and Beauty
Venus is all about love and beauty. It shows what we find attractive and how we relate to others. Tied to Taurus (♉) and Libra (♎), it represents sensuality and harmony.

5. Mars (♂): Driving Our Actions
Mars gives us energy and drive. It’s about going after what we want and being assertive. Associated with Aries (♈), it symbolizes courage and determination.

6. Jupiter (♃): Bringing Growth and Opportunity
Jupiter is like a lucky charm, bringing good things into our lives. It’s linked to learning and expanding our horizons. Connected to Sagittarius (♐), it’s about wisdom and optimism.

7. Saturn (♄): Teaching Us Discipline
Saturn helps us learn important lessons through hard work and responsibility. It’s tied to ambition and maturity. Linked to Capricorn (♑), it’s about building a strong foundation.

8. Uranus (♅): Inspiring Change and Innovation
Uranus shakes things up and helps us see things differently. It’s linked to originality and progress. Associated with Aquarius (♒), it represents freedom and individuality.

9. Neptune (♆): Awakening Our Imagination
Neptune encourages us to dream and be creative. It’s about spirituality and compassion. Tied to Pisces (♓), it represents empathy and idealism.

10. Pluto (♇): Transforming Our Lives
Pluto helps us grow by letting go of things that hold us back. It’s about deep change and renewal. Linked to Scorpio (♏), it symbolizes intensity and transformation.

11. Rahu (☊) and Ketu (☋): Uncovering Our Destiny
Rahu and Ketu show us our karmic path. Rahu is about desires and worldly pursuits, while Ketu is about spirituality and past-life karma. They help us understand our life’s purpose and challenges.

Astrology helps us understand ourselves and the world around us better. By learning about the planets and lunar nodes, we can gain insight into our strengths, weaknesses, and life’s purpose. Whether we’re facing challenges or seeking opportunities, astrology offers guidance and wisdom. As we explore the wonders of the cosmos, may we embrace the lessons of the stars and find our place in the universe.

THU, MARCH 11, 2020
1:00PM - 5:00PM
One on One with Stella Mars
Gabriella Johnson

Thank you to everyone, delegates, speakers, committee members and volunteers for contributing to making the 3rd International Astrology Conference such a great success. We both hope that you have returned safely home from your Experience at the conference and feel that you belong to an international network of astrology practitioners, students and enthusiasts across the globe.

FRI, OCT 17, 2019
2:00PM - 3:00PM
"Become Your Own Astrologer" Retreat with Stella Mars
Stella Miller

You can book accommodation when you register for the Conference. We also have a list of accomodation options on the event details section.

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FRI, MAY 04, 2019
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Astrology Conference in New Haven, CN
Renata Bogdanovic

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Contact Me

Interested in having Stella Mars at an event? For booking, contact Laurie Anderson:

    Past Events

    THU, MAY 24, 2017
    1:00PM - 5:00PM
    Solar Arc Directions: An Interactive Session
    Gabriella Johnson

    Thank you to everyone, delegates, speakers, committee members and volunteers for contributing to making the 3rd International Astrology Conference such a great success. We both hope that you have returned safely home from your Experience at the conference and feel that you belong to an international network of astrology practitioners, students and enthusiasts across the globe.

    FRI, APR 14, 2017
    2:00PM - 3:00PM
    "Become Your Own Astrologer" Retreat with Stella Mars
    Stella Miller

    You can book accommodation when you register for the Conference. We also have a list of accomodation options on the event details section.

    Tote bag fixie poke kitsch ethical banjo distillery biodiesel migas truffaut fingerstache. Intelligentsia tumblr iceland echo park portland bitters. Prism mlkshk try-hard trust fund poke, franzen asymmetrical intelligentsia live-edge art party. Paleo brooklyn yr, marfa iPhone austin shoreditch humblebrag migas keffiyeh.

    FRI, APR 14, 2018
    4:00PM - 5:30PM
    The Journey of Life: Understanding Transits
    Renata Bogdanovic

    Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

    Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.
